So what can protesters do?
According to the organisation “SumOfUs”:
“Bayer just won the court battle to ban protest in the square outside its annual meeting” and that “court documents show that Bayer referred to peaceful protest as a “terrorist threat””.
(25-page legal document, in German, available here). SumOfUs members helped pay for the protest, which would represent beekeepers.
I don’t have time to read and translate all of it, but this paragraph caught my eye:
"In den Vorbereitungen der Veranstaltung wurde eine umfangreiche Gefaehrdungsanalyse durchgefuehrt.
Die getroffenen Massnahmen sind danach einerseits erforderlich, um einen
ordnungsgemaessen Ablauf zu gewaehrleisten und Stoerungen und Straftaten, wie
Hausfriedensbruch und Noetigung su verhindern.
Davon unabhaengig sind sie andererseits auch aufgrund der aktuellen terroristischen Bedroehungslage und der Abwehr gezielter massiver Geshaeftsschaedigungen gerechtfertigt."
Which translates as:
"In the preparations for the event a comprehensive analysis of the danger was carried out.
The measures taken are then necessary on the one hand, in order to ensure a proper course of action and prevent disturbances and crimes, such as housebreak and injustice.
Independent of this, they are also justified on the basis of the current terrorist threat situation and the defense of targeted massive business damage."
"Terrorist threat"? What are Bayer referring to?
I suppose:
SumOfUs are trying to raise money to fight the court ruling. Personally, I would suggest a slight change of tactic – I suggest they do not simply demand the right to protest in the square according to their original intention, but to protest differently.
The truth is, the threat of terrorism is real, and should be acknowledged. However, I also think the right to protest should be protected. So here are some ideas:
Within their arguments, they should include:
I’m sure there are more potential ideas - indeed, played correctly, protesters may even attract more publicity.
The protest group could engage the press and social media with their campaign, and in particular, the points they wish to make.
As for any other objections to the protest, I have not investigated those, but perhaps a new approach to the protest might help overcome them anyway?