Updated: October 2023
It's true that wasp nests are not usually welcomed by humans, but it has to be said that on balance, wasps are very beneficial insects both as pollinators (whose role is probably not fully understood), and as natural 'pest control', because they can help keep down populations of crop eating ‘pests’. Some farmers are harnessing the humble wasp for this very purpose!
In fact, as with bees, there are actually thousands of wasp species, and most are solitary and are pretty harmless, although if disturbed, some species can deliver a pretty painful sting.
No doubt, the type of wasp people are mostly concerned about, are the black and yellow social wasps (especially those referred to in some regions as 'yellowjackets'), which may be attracted to sweet, sugary drinks, and can form large colonies.
But anyway, here's more information about wasp nests, and if you are worried about nests and wasps in your garden, then there are ways you can deter them from building a nest where they are not wanted, as I'll explain below.
Below are pictures of wasp nests, some of them sent in to me by readers sharing their experiences.
A social wasp nest, depending on the species and number of wasps, can be a fantastic and sophisticated structure - truly architectural masterpieces to rival the honeycombs made by honey bees!
For further information, see the early stages of a wasp nest, and watch a video of a wasp making a nest.
Of those wasps that build their own nests, the size of the structure and materials used may vary depending on factors such as:
- the species
- the country you are in
- whether they are social or
solitary wasps.
In addition, nests could occur in the ground or can be seen hanging from tree branches, eaves of buildings or other supports as aerial nests, again depending on species.
Aerial wasp nests are typically greyish, greyish-green, or straw colored in appearance.
Below is an excellent image by Kaitlyn from upstate New York. This nest was made by a social species. Kaitlyn took several images and was keen to allow the nest to thrive. Thank you Kaitlyn! Note the shape - it becomes elongated toward the bottom. You can read more about this on my page: How do wasps build nests in trees?
This nest below was also made by a social wasp species and was 'lodged' inside a shrub. The picture was
taken in the UK.
As you can see, this
nest has a papery appearance, as if there are leaves of grey paper stuck
together in an overlapping fashion to form a kind of spherical ball shape, different from the nest above.
Most wasp colonies only last a season. As with bumble bees, only the queens survive to establish future colonies and the rest of the colony dies. In warm weather, and maybe in different geographical regions, a colony may thrive longer.
Nests are only used once. Indeed, it is for this reason that if you wish to deter wasps building a nest in the same place the following year, it is advisable to leave at least part of the nest structure in place once the nest has been abandoned.
The reason for this is that social wasps are territorial and typically avoid founding new colonies close to other nests. In actual fact, some wasp deterrents use this principle to advantage, by creating a 'dummy' nest to dissuade queens from starting colonies nearby. You can read more about this below.
These photographs below show a little of the inside of the social wasp
nest pictured above.
You can see the structure is composed of neat, hexagonal shaped cells - (just like comb made by honey bees) in which the young are reared. The hexagonal cell structure is a super efficient way to use space and fit compartments together, whilst using the minimum amount of materials (and hence resources). Wasp nest are actually amazing: intricate, precise, clever.
The cells are constructed by using thin scrapings of plant matter or wood. The wasp mixes the fine scrapings of wood with the saliva in her mouth. This breaks down the fibres into a pulp which is then used for constructing the cells. It's a little like the craft of paper making!
In fact, it is thought that wasps inspired the invention of paper around 2,000 years ago! You could even say that wasps invented it, humans copied it. When we realize just how amazing wasps are, we can appreciate them more!
Given that some wasps may gather fine shavings of wood to build their nests, you may see signs of wasp activity in the form of tiny scratches on wooden fences and garden furniture as below.
Seeing these markings could indicate there is or has been a wasp nest nearby.
Last year, wasps were collecting material from our garden fencing (above). They were using it to construct a nest in ivy growing up an old tree in our neighbour's garden.
As stated, a nest may be in a cavity in the ground - or in a compost heap, for that matter, or a cavity in a building or other structure - this is the preferred kind of location for a species such as the yellowjacket wasp, Vespula germanica.
When building aerial nests, wasps commonly build their nests in trees, hanging from tree branches or the eaves of buildings.
Wasp nest on eaves of a house, apartment, other building or deck overhang
I received a wonderful email and photograph from Kellie in Canada, of a lovely paper wasp nest:
"I came here to learn more about a wasp nest that was getting larger on my apartment's deck overhang.
As I have 2 decks, I chose to leave the nest alone. As the nest grew, I found that the wasps were not aggressive when I went out to water the planter boxes on the deck, and noticed them taking advantage of the water and flowers.
I have a new appreciation for wasps and wanted to thank you for your helpful information".
I'm so glad Kellie found the information on this website helpful. I genuinely think that a lot of the beliefs we have about such things (like wasps) are handed down and taken for granted. When we try and take a step back and be open to the idea that things might be different, we can get a pleasant surprise!
However, if you wish to prevent wasps building nests in such locations, you can do so without killing them. I recommend using a Waspinator - they are not too expensive, and further information is provided below. I especially recommend installing a Waspinator around schools and public buildings.
In a cavity
A cavity could be underground, in a building, or even....inside a barbecue, as was the case here. Such nests typically belong to the yellow jacket kind. I'm very grateful to Deborah Hammond from the USA, for sending me these pictures of the nest inside her barbecue, and for allowing me to use them.
Deborah said:
"They particularly loved my red dahlias. I worked in the garden all summer and was not bothered. It made my visitors nervous, but I agree with you about simply maintaining calm...…Wait, I did get stung once when I wrapped my hand around a tool handle, not realizing there was a wasp on it. Hurt like a mama!"
Ouch! I'm impressed that Deborah remained so tolerant of the wasps after this accident, and didn't mind putting her hand close to the abandoned nest later - the image below helps provide an idea of the size of the nest.
Deborah took fantastic photographs, and I especially like the one below - a close up photograph of those amazing nest cells.
Wasp nest in the shed or garage
Nests are commonly found in sheds and garages, and
this photograph below provides a clear image of a nice smooth looking wasp nest in
its entirety, that was found in a shed.
Wasp nests in chimneys
Another favourite place is the chimney cavity – my sister had
such a scenario, and asked me what I thought she should do.
Taking into account that the nest was basically paper, and could be a potential fire hazard, I advised her against lighting a fire in order to 'smoke the wasps out'. Anyway, this could have backfired and made the wasps very angry!
In my sister's case, fortunately, she did not use that particular room (where the fire place was located) very often, and it being a warm summer, she did not need to light the fire. She simply kept the door closed to keep the wasps out of the rest of the house.
Later in the year, when the wasps were no longer active, she removed the nest from the chimney, and got the vacuum cleaner out to clear away any dead wasps left behind in the room.
Wasp nest in a bird house
I received a wonderful email from a lady in Somerset, England, UK.
She wrote:
"I would like to send you a photo of the wasp which is nesting in the old bird house on my kitchen wall. They are median wasps and the nest is 'clothed with smooth grey sheets' just as it says in my insect guide book. I think you will enjoy seeing it. Very unusual - at least for me."
These images are great because you can see how the layers have been created, and how this opportunistic wasp appears to have made good use of the bird box, just as a bumble bee colony might, or honey bees use a human-made bee hive.
Wasp nest in the compost heap
For a couple of years, we had a nest in our compost bin that was close to the back door of the house. There were wasps going in and out all the
time. I am especially tolerant, however,
and didn’t worry, I
simply stopped using the composter for some months. Fortunately we were not stung.
Later, we dismantled the compost bin, and moved it to another area of the garden. The wasps did not return. We then acquired a larger compost bin, and bumble bees moved in, and successfully reared workers, males and new queens :).
Wasp nests in the loft or attic
Another common place to see wasp nests, and sometimes an occasional hibernating queen or two, is in the loft or attic.
We have had hibernating wasp queens in the attic, and we found a nest - already abandoned. I am quite protective, and never harm the queens.
Everyone's situation is different, and indeed, an especially large nest could cause alarm, especially where there are pets and young children.
Of course, not all members of the wasp family have the same nest architecture. For example, potter wasps (Eumeninae) and the mud wasps - Sphecidae (also called 'dauber wasps') use mud to build their nests.
Also, take a look at the amazing gall wasp!
Some wasps are parasitoids, and don't build nests at all, but instead, rely on a host species. See Types Of Wasp.
Please see my page about the structure of a social wasp nest. The lady who sent in the images could hardly wait to take the pieces of nest to a school for children to learn all about it!
I believe understanding helps to replace fear with respect.
I also recommend A Wasp Builds a Nest: See Inside a Paper Wasp's Nest and Watch It Grow by Kate Scarborough and Martin Camm.
Seek assistance if a nest is large and intolerable - take steps to repel or deter them in the future
If you discover a large nest and find this intolerable, you will have to call for professional help.
You could try some natural means to repel wasps, or install a Waspinator.
They need to be put in place at the beginning of the season, before wasps arrive, otherwise they won't work.
A Waspinator looks like a wasp nest, thus deterring wasps from building a nest nearby, because - as stated earlier, wasps are territorial. You could have a go at making one, but on the other hand, they are not too expensive and should last some time.
You can get a Waspinator from Amazon. Or if you have suitable materials, you could make your own.
(Disclaimer: as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from links on my site - this won't affect the price to you, and helps me with the cost of running this site where I provide lots of free information. Because I would like to have a wasp nest in my garden, I have never tried this method, but have heard good reports when used correctly).
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