About Bee Stings
If you are concerned about bee stings, the first thing to remember is that prevention is
better than cure: leave hives and wild bee nests as well as foraging bees, well
alone and allow the bees to go about their business in peace. Keep away from honey bee swarms.
But, in case you are stung by a bee, or have concerns......
Browse over the following links below to find out more:
- How to Treat Bee Stings
If you get stung by a bee, you'll want to know how to treat it the sting. Find out here.
- Bee and wasp repellent
If you are afraid of bees and wasps, here are some ways to repel them without harming them.
- Home remedies or a natural remedy?
Take a look at the things you may find in your kitchen cupboard that may help!
- Reactions to bee stings
Most people experience temporary discomfort, but rarely, an allergic reaction occurs. Learn more about reactions to stings, including swellings, allergy and anaphylaxis.
- Prevention of bee stings is better than cure!
Your child may have a severe allergy to stings, or you may be planning to take a school trip or playgroup to a local park. On the other hand, perhaps you are expecting relatives (with kids) for a barbecue in the garden. If you are concerned about stings, you may find this quick reminder of the practical steps you can take to avoid stinging incidents really helpful.
- Apiphobia
Apiphobia is the fear of bees or the fear of being stung by bees. Here are some practical suggestions which may assist as you seek to alleviate your concerns and fears.
Do we really need to worry about bee stings?
Although stings can happen, the fact is, most bees rarely sting, unless they are provoked or feel threatened. Only females can sting (although not all species can do so), and would only sting if they felt it necessary to defend themselves or their colonies, honey combs (with honey bees) and nests. See these bee sting facts. Unless you genuinely have a severe allergy, most people can get over a sting pretty quickly. Heck, the experience is not like child birth or kidney stones!
In truth, bees are very important, and the real risks from a stinging incident are actually not that great, but it's easy for the dangers to be exaggerated. I can never understand why some people would rather expose a child to toxic chemicals in an attempt to stave off bees, rather than let the bees be!
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