Updated: November 2023
"It's very cold, and I have found a bumble bee. It's not moving. Will it be survive?"
"Can bumble bees survive cold weather?"
The short answer is:
Scientists have found that buff tailed bumble bees (Bombus terrestris audax) workers could freeze at temperatures of -7.1°C, whilst queens would freeze at about −7.4 °C.
There may be some similarities with other bumble bee species. Thus, if temperatures drop to that level, they are less likely to survive. Here we look at the research, and how to help bees in cool temperatures.
At the time of writing, the weather is typically hitting about 15°C, a temperature fine for bumble bees. However, during the winter every year, I am asked whether bumble bees can survive in very cold conditions.
This query usually arises from people who have found an inactive queen bumble bee. People become concerned about whether the bee will survive or will it die from exposure to the cold. They are often wondering what they can do to help the bee.
The question of the survival of bees in cool temperatures has been the subject of published research in 2013 by Owen et al1, a team of scientists who were primarily pondering this topic. They wrote:
" ...it is crucial to determine whether key pollinator species such as bumblebees will actually benefit from climate change, or if winter activity might have a negative impact on their abundance, distribution and pollination service provision."
Owen et al studied cool temperature tolerance of Bombus terrestris audax (buff tailed bumble bee), one of the earliest species of bumble bee to emerge from winter hibernation in the UK.
Other bumble bee species may respond in a similar way to cool temperatures, but differences could also occur.
Note: The temperature at which bees (and other arthropods) freeze is called the super cooling point (SPC).
Several key points from the research:
Actually, no! For example, solitary mason bee species Osmia cornuta and Osmia rufa, are both hardier with SCPs typically below −24°C.
However, I have received queries from concerned readers who have discovered dead mason bees in cold temperatures.
The most important thing you can do for the longer term, is provide winter flowering shrubs and plants for bees.
There are many choices available, from low-growing, hardy heathers that are versatile in the garden or in pots, to attractive shrubs, such as Daphne.
This will enable bees foraging in cool temperatures, to help sustain them.
Bulbs such as crocus are also invaluable.
Read about winter flower borders.
I receive many emails from worried members of the public about finding bumble bees that are exposed to the cold, and apparently not moving.
Queens sometimes remain stationary and rest on a flower or on the ground whilst they conserve energy.
See: How to know whether a bee is dead or resting.
My advice is as follows:
(1). Owen EL, Bale JS, Hayward SAL (2013) Can winter-active bumblebees survive the cold? Assessing the cold tolerance of Bombus terrestris audax and the effects of pollen feeding. PLoS ONE 8(11): e80061