In the UK, a further Early Day Motion has been tabled by Martin Caton
MP in 2012, requesting a ban on neonicotinoids, following the publication of yet more scientific evidence (this time by Dr Jeff Pettis
et al), that neonicotinoids are dangerous for bees (see links right for
previous activity in this area).
Below was a letter writing campaign, used to support the EDM. It has been left on this website for future reference.
(If you live elsewhere other than the UK, you can still use this letter and adapt it to send to your own political representatives if relevant, but note, more research has since been released, and the whole debate has moved on significantly since this particular campaign).
Dear (Political Representative)
I am writing to request that you support the EDM tabled by Martin Caton MP, requesting a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides.
There is overwhelming evidence that neonicotinoids make bees
significantly more susceptible to nosema, a pathogenic fungi.
27. The final results of a 2 year project (2007 - 2008) by FERA were
published, and indicate that 45% of the colonies had nosema – 8% of
which had 2 strains. It can be found at:
Invertebrates (and not only bees) can also be susceptible to fungi.
Here is a summary of 3 papers:
Finally, even Bayer admit that their insecticide imidacloprid makes
pathogenic fungi 10,000 times more dangerous to termites, which are
social insects like bees, by altering behaviour - as stated very clearly
in their leaflet for Premise 200SC, which reads:
“Imidacloprid makes fungi 10,000 times more dangerous to termites. Nature assists imidacloprid in giving unsurpassed control. This control is called Premise 200SC plus Nature."
Bees also groom along with other insects - does imidacloprid have the same effect on bees?
I urge you to support the EDM – in line with the Precautionary
Principle(4), and furthermore, request that you demand that the
inadequacies of our pesticides regulatory system be addressed
Yours sincerely
(1)Pesticide exposure in honey bees results in increased levels of the
gut pathogen Nosema – Published: Naturwissenschaften 2011 - Jeffery S.
Pettis et al
(2)Interactions between Nosema microspores and a neonicotinoid weaken
honeybees (Apis mellifera) – Published: Environmental Microbiology
(2009) - Cédric Alaux et al
(3)Exposure to Sublethal Doses of Fipronil and Thiacloprid Highly
Increases Mortality of Honeybees Previously Infected by Nosema ceranae -
Published PLoS ONE (2011) - Cyril Vidau et al
(4) The precautionary principle is enshrined in Directive 91/414 which
states that “Member States shall ensure that a plant protection product
is not authorized unless… has no unacceptable influence on the
environment.” “Authorizations may be reviewed at any time if there are
indications that any of the requirements….are no longer satisfied.”