Following EU developments on neonicotinoid pesticides, I was bemused by the arguments presented by scientists and the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) “Ban on Pesticides To Save Bees May Really Do Them More Harm” – in The Times on May 6th .
The article warns that the restriction of just 3 of the commercially available neonicotinoids may result in farmers resorting to older pesticides, particularly synthetic pyrethroids and carbamates - about which, the article warns, we know very little, and which may be more harmful to bees.
Despite the EU restrictions to some neonicotinoids, they have recently approved 2 next generation neonicotinoids.
The Times article states:
“Norman Carreck, science director of the International Bee Research Association, said that the ban would force farmers and growers to resort to older chemicals such as synthetic pyrethroids and carbamates.
He warned of a substantial gap in knowledge
of the effects the pesticides have on bees.”
According to The Times:
"Pyrethroids, the main alternative to neonicotinoids, are highly toxic to honey bees, but some rely on a "repellency" that keeps the insects away. Little peer reviewed research has been published on the subtler effects of the chemicals, particularly on wild bees such as the bumblebee."
The Times quoted Norman Carreck:
”We don’t know what sub-lethal effects they may have,” Mr Carreck said. “Before this ban was proposed, it was proposed that a full environmental impact assessment of the implications of the ban should take place and as far as I’m aware no-one has really considered that.
“It may well be that other bee species are more sensitive to these things than honey bees. Honey bees live in vast colonies and we know that they can lose a large number of workers before the colony dies.”
However, in 2008, Norman Carreck, a former technical advisor to the British Beekeeper’s Association (BBKA), and student of Rothhampstead where pyrethroids were developed, stated in a feature for the BBKA newsletter (1) that
‘Carbamates and Pyrethroids Are More Bee Friendly’,
and that
“in practice they can be sprayed on flowering crops without harm to bees”.
As an aside, I'd like to see independent evidence to support this point.
But anyway, it's interesting.
The article goes on to say that the BBKA....
" concerned about the lack of scientific evidence behind the older pesticides."
Again, very interesting given that:
Meanwhile, let's also remind ourselves about neonics:
"Sub-lethal effects should be taken into account and observed in laboratory studies. Potential laboratory methods to investigate sub-lethal effects would be testing of Bombus microcolonies to investigate effects on reproduction, proboscis extension reflex (PER) test for neurotoxic effects and homing behaviour for effects on foraging, including orientation. Further research is needed in order to integrate the results of these studies in the risk assessment scheme.
“is not adapted to assess potential hazard and risk from systemic pesticides”(4)
– it seems weaknesses were not subsequently addressed sufficiently to satisfy EFSA.
In the meantime, if farmers wish to increase their production whilst reducing pesticides (yet feel unable to embrace organic), then Integrated Pest Management may outperform production compared with the use of neonicotinoids(5) whilst yields of oil seed rape in tonnes per hectare have barely altered at all over the years, including following switch from pyrethroids to neonicotinoids, according to DEFRA statistics.
Perhaps you can spot a massive surge in production rate, but I certainly can't - merely slight movements from 1984 (the start of the data) onwards.
Then again, I believe farmers would benefit from independent information about crop pest threats prior to treating their fields with costly poisons.
(1) BBKA News - NO.173 OCTOBER 2008
(2) BBKA policy on product endorsement, May 30, 2008
(3) EU Regulation 1107/2009 (Annex II, 3.8.3.)
(5) Example see: Bueno et al. 2011 Crop Protection, 30, 937-945; Hurd, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 19(2): 313-326, 1994 taken from:
Also of interest:
Maini et al 2010
Stefano MAINI 1, Piotr MEDRZYCKI 2, Claudio PORRINI 1: "The puzzle of honey bee losses: a brief review".
"The purpose of this brief review is to comment, and stimulate discussion, on recent papers published by Nguyen et al. (2009), Chauzat et al. (2009), and Ratnieks and Carreck (2010). In response to the paper of Nguyen et al. (2009) we have submitted a critical manuscript to the Journal of Apicultural Research but, six
months after the submission it was rejected by the senior editor Prof. Norman L. Carreck. Another submission of a short letter to Science was rejected too. We believe strongly that the proper use and evaluation of pesticides is one of the most important issues facing scientists, environmentalists, and farmers today.
Therefore, we decided to publish here some opinions regarding pesticide treatments that can seriously affect honey bee health,
particularly in maize. At the end of this paper (appendix) we attach the letter sent by the first author to the journal Science and the reply relevant to the rejection is presented to our readers."
The letter can be read at the end of the paper.